Kim has always had a special interest for the field of education. No surprise then, that after writing ‘Generatie Y’ and ‘Geef je organisatie toekomst’, her next book is about educational reform.
In 2019 she started her third book project that is nearing completion in 2025. Her own school career and the more recent school experiences of her children were a driver for making a contribution to the necessary renewal of the educational system. This system just doesn’t work anymore and has different flaws.
For this new book she did thorough field research by interviewing 125 people: professionals, parents and, of course, students. It will be published in the middle of 2025. In 2019 the urgency for change started to become more manifest because of the strikes and shortages of education professionals. In 2020, the outbreak of corona forced the educational field to take a bigger step in reinventing themselves. The years since have shown a significant rise in (gifted) children falling through the cracks of the system. Time for an in depth analysis and inventory of possible ways to make our educational system future proof. A challenge Kim has taken upon herself.
We’ll keep you posted on the release of this important new publication.