(…) the complete human being, with both the good and bad sides (in Dutch)
“The base layer of their book is energetic, of that which is not immediately visible. The experience-based connection with organizational practice appeals to me, because it makes what Kim and Dirk Anton write so very recognizable. No blah blah, just a fresh, clear storyline with short pieces from various perspectives."
- Ans Tros, Founder School voor Coaching.
Interview on the release of ‘Geef je organisatie toekomst’.
From: SVC Magazine, 2013.
Berlin: turning point to Co-creation (in dutch)
“Berlin is the city where a new order emerges from chaos on a daily basis. It is a city of the 'here and now’ where people not only talk, but above all do. Berlin is also the city of one of the greatest upheavals in contemporary history: Die Wende. Berlin is an experience, a feeling. Of that which so many today are looking for, there is plenty to be found. A wealth of stories, encounters and places that give you a new perspective on life itself which will change and enrich you permanently.”
Article by Paul de Bruijn & Dirk Anton van Mulligen.
From: Nieuwe Leiders Magazine (2012).
Creating the future in uncertain times (in German)
“We have to learn to deal with uncertainty again.”
“When you cannot predict the future, you have to create it yourself.”
“We must become creative to avoid the trap of a society with winners and losers.”
“Certainty is an illusion.”
“We need people with a passion for change.”
“Workplaces have to become more humane.”
Interview with Dirk Anton van Mulligen
From: Tribune Magazine (2016).
Stress originating from fear and greed (in Dutch)
“With all the focus on doing and having, we have forgotten being.”.
“Our society is focused on power and money, consumption, production and performance. Appreciation and respect for your efforts and presence, however, cannot be expressed by money.”
“If we spend more on prevention, we can spend less on health care.”
Interview with Maurice de Valk(†) and Dirk Anton van Mulligen, chairman and board member of the International Forum for Organizational Health.
From: Inskoop Magazine (2001).
Generatie Y: aan het werk (in Dutch)
A journey from Generation Y’s motivations, to a renewed HR-focus for the entire organization.
In her book Kim Castenmiller explains the unique characteristics of the youngest working generation, Generation Y. Based on extensive research and her own experiences as an HR professional, she explains what organizations can learn from these upcoming talents.
This book reflects that the zeitgeist is fundamentally changing. Organizations and managers will have to reinvent themselves, because ‘you cannot manage third generation strategies with second generation organizations and first generation managers’.
Geef je organisatie toekomst (in dutch)
A roadmap for building future-proof organisations by Kim Castenmiller and Dirk Anton van Mulligen with:
• 192 full-color pages,
• 30+ years of author experience,
• 22 experience experts and
• 13 expert contributions, over
• 6 stages into
• 1 leadership journey.
New Choices in work (in Dutch)
Book: Nieuwe keuzes in werken
Chapter 6: Zelforganisatie in werk en loopbaan.
Author: Dirk Anton van Mulligen
“The contribution by Van Mulligen is absolutely worthwhile. Analogous to biophysics, he explains how the human striving for order in an unpredictable, irrational and chaotic environment, requires energy in the form of strength and information. Self-direction in career choices is also a combination of strength (inspiration and - physical - resilience) and information: introspection about own principles, quality and goals in all areas of life.”
— Hilde Veraart-Maas MSc, organisational sociologist
Ch.6 Self-organisation: the emergence of direction and cohesion in work and career. On people, systems and self-organisation.
The impact of COVID19 on Leadership
A video interview of Dirk Anton with Klaus Heeger, SG of CESI, the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions. See also Using the great Societal Reset of 2020.
Staying agile when the unexpected happens (in Dutch)
“Agility becomes so much easier, when you recognize that everything is energy.“
Interview with Kim Castenmiller and Dirk Anton van Mulligen on the release of ‘Geef je organisatie toekomst’.
The role of leadership in counteracting violence at work
Interview with Dirk Anton van Mulligen after moderating a symposium on ‘Violence at work’ for CESI, the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions.
The Future of Work
A commentary by Dirk Anton van Mulligen on the Future of Work during the Summer Days 2019 in Brussels. This two-day event was organised by the Bertelsmann Foundation and CESI.