Stay ahead of the curve,
Evolve your Gifted Self.
Our world is changing at an ever increasing pace. High speed technological and social development generates progress but also anxiety, instability and uncertainty. Jobs with a high degree of repetition are in danger of being taken over by automation and AI. New skills and qualities are needed to stay relevant and successful. The Your Evolving Self assessment helps to identify the most optimal route of development in this respect.
For organizations the challenge is to not just adapt to this changing world but to stay ahead of the curve by creating a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. To do this, organizations need to give their gifted employees opportunity and support to realize their full potential. The creatively-, diversely- and highly gifted embody the greatest innovative potential of your workforce. They inherently possess the abilities to thrive in the new economy.
“Two core abilities are essential for thriving in the new economy:
1. The ability to quickly master complex things.
2. The ability to produce at an elite level, both in terms of quality and speed.
The Your Evolving Self developmental assessment tells you what that potential looks like. It creates clarity and helps to:
identify the types of challenges, environments and organizations that suit you best,
become aware and in control of your unique creative and innovative potential, and
create balance between your goals and gifted personality traits, and between your inner thoughts & feelings and external experiences.
“It has opened my eyes and made me look at myself and my future differently. (...) I had to go abroad to really develop myself, but it certainly worked! ”
assessment procedure
Intake (30 min.)
Online 240-item questionnaire generating a Your Evolving Self profile
2 hr. personal session with an in-depth explanation and analysis of your profile
55 page report with tips, tricks, pitfalls & advice and background information.
Follow-up (30 min.)
Please note: we’re convinced that correctly assessing people is both a science and an art. No technology can substitute the human intuition or the unexpected insights that come up during a conversation. That’s why we don’t provide fully automated profile readouts. Also, you are not a number, a letter code or specific type nor a collection of properties; you’re a unique human being and deserve to be treated as such.
“Almost bizarre how accurately the assessment describes how I feel on the inside! It explains much of myself that puzzled me in the past. I understand myself and my professional drive so much better now.”
Ideally suited for:
Personal, professional & leadership development in light of a changing world
Harnessing the innovative power of gifted employees,
Getting a grip on giftedness in relationship to work & life
Refreshing or completely turning around your career
“Thank you for the beautifully resonating profile readout; for the clarity, the comfort, but also the sometimes confronting truth that came out the evaluation. Gifts can become a blessing if we are open and ready to embrace them and express them in an authentic way.”
“Just filling in the questionnaire had a great impact.
It coaxed me to think about sides of my personality that sometimes trigger other people, but which really are at the core of my performance and of who I am.”
This assessment has been successfully applied in organizations in profit and non-profit sectors in four countries to date. It is available as:
a stand-alone individual assessment,
a team development tool, and
a complete frontline leadership development program.
The online questionnaire is available in Dutch, German and English, the report in Dutch and English.
The assessment is fully GDPR-compliant and the full story behind the assessment and how giftedness fits in can be found here (in Dutch).
“An ‘Evolved Self’ is someone who harmoniously combines opposite tendencies: original yet systematic, independent yet responsible, courageous but disciplined, intuitive yet rational. They combine a healthy pride in their uniqueness with a deep interest and concern for others.”