Stepping up when you're not ready is extremely costly.
Not stepping up when you are ready, a lost opportunity.
Whether it’s:
Preparing you for a position on the board,
Taking up a professional challenge, or
Starting a job with more responsibilities,
it always requires a bid for power from you. To place a successful bid, you have to be ready. We make sure you are with a tailor-made development program.
Starting point is always an honest look at yourself and where you stand. Leadership is less about what you do, as it is about who you are. You have to know yourself, your intentions and potential, but also your pitfalls and shadow side really well. This establishes the platform from which you will be stepping up.
From there we take a good look at what it is you want to take on and what’s needed to reach your goal. What do you need to let go of, and what skills and knowledge do you need to acquire. And most importantly, what efforts are you prepared to make for reaching your goal.
“Exploring the frontiers of personal development and finding the eye of the storm in people and situations, is where Dirk Anton van Mulligen excels.”
development procedure
In-depth intake (2 hr.)
Personal biography
Professional biography
Step-up analysis: what will be required of you, what will it bring you and what will it cost you
Specific assignments based on insights gathered from the above
Recommended literature, video material, life style habits and supplements
Meetings with specific people or places
7 development sessions
“Integration of leadership inside the company asks of you yourself to show up wholeheartedly. This is the vision Dirk Anton stands for. He develops new leadership skills based on true relationships. This is also my way.
I trust him!”
“Only when we evolve into a more mature state,
will our creations truly match our intentions. ”